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Adrian Roger's Links


Warren Thurston, a book reviewer in Victoria, Australia, has recently reviewed the The Time Tunnel and The Grail, and here are the links to the review:

Annabelle Books

Building Rainbows

Sun Herald


Writing Links

Would you like to be e-book published? Then consult this world list of e-book publishers

Would you like to see your writing on the web? Have a look at Andrew Dostal's site

Do you like fantasy and sci-fi? Then visit www.sffworld.com to find out the latest news

Are you a poet? Then visit mockfrog.com

Or you could be interest in Fantasy resources

or  W.R. Benton's site.

Reading e-books is a pain because you have to scroll up, or do you? Download 'y-book', a free e-book reader that turns the pages for you. Yes, no more scrolling, it turns your page from right to left, just go to spacejock.com and help yourself.

Visit a fantasy authors site for books, competitions, bookplates, print on demand information etc. Also, on this site you'll see just how successful self-publishing can be if you know how to go about it.

And check out www.fantasybookspot.com 

www.TRI-Studio.com is a fellow author Kathe Gogolewski.

Here's an online newsletter for the arts in Australia and New Zealand. it's full of surprises, and some very useful links.

And wherever you are, join your local Writers Centre.

SA Writers Centre

NSW Writers Centre

Queensland Writers Centre

Tasmanian Writers Centre

Victorian Writers Centre

WA State Literature Centre

ACT Writers Centre, e-mail   amb@dynamite.com.au

NT Writers Centre, e-mail  ntwriters@octa4.net.au

Support groups have always got a lot of news, and are a great help to struggling writers, and aren't most of us in that position. So try -

Writer Network

Readers World

And here's an amazing site that will help, delight, and horrify you, all at the same time.

Fed up with hanging around collecting rejection slips and waiting for publishers and agents to take notice? Join the club, and perhaps try instantpublisher or, if you want one located in Australia, go to selfpublish.com On the other hand if you go to artmedia.com.au you'll find someone in Adelaide who does digital print on demand, so there's hope yet.


Email Adrian Rogers at: acrogers at adam.com.au

Phone (+61 8) 8523 0251


Last updated 19 August 2009

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